Included on this page is an array of resources to help our families find important information and stay engaged in their child's learning.
Families and Students
Below are links to some of the most important information you’ll need as you prepare your child for a rewarding educational experience in Cincinnati Public Schools.
- Enrollment
- CPS Student Health Forms
- CPS Parent and Student Forms
- Student Dining Services
- Transportation
- Severe Weather Procedures
Educational Resources
Homework Help
- Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County — Besides being a source of great books, the library has a website that can provide tons of help with your homework. There are plenty of links (by subject area) that you can use for research. Also, there is something called "Homework Chat," which is a way to get live help online from a library tutor. So, if you are stuck and no one at home can help you, you can get online and chat with someone from the library! It's completely free and it is easy to use. (You will need to have a library card, though.) Here's how to do it: If you are in grades K-6, go to Kidspace and click on "Homework Help" from the top menu bar. To use "Homework Chat," go to the box in the top center, click on the number 3 (there are numbers 1-5) and then click anywhere on the picture that pops up.
- — Need a fresh way to study those spelling words? Go to this site. You can enter your spelling words here and then take practice tests and even play games using just the words from your spelling list! If your teacher already has an account, you can go to the teacher's page and your words will already be there.
Math Homework Help
- Harcourt Math Glossary — This is an interactive math glossary for students in kindergarten through grade 6. Use it like a dictionary — look up the words you don't know, and you will get an illustrated definition with animated examples of the term or concept.
- Phat Math, Inc. — This provides students with free online help with math homework as well as math blogs and chat rooms.
Educational Games & Activities
- Enchanted Learning — This is like a kid-friendly encyclopedia. Lots of quick information about a wide variety of topics. (Much of the information can be accessed for free, but some pages are restricted to members. If you can't find what you want here, go to
- Fact Monster — This is like Enchanted Learning, only maybe a little easier to navigate. The main page is organized by topics, and it's extremely simple to find information. There are also fun quizzes here.
- Free Rice — Pick the subject in which you want to be quizzed, and then for each question you answer correctly, rice is donated to a third-world food bank. Quick and fun!
- Funbrain — After the first time you play, you'll be given a password. (Don't worry, it's free.) The games are in almost every subject area and are appropriate for students in grades 1-8.
- I Know That — This awesome site, which is organized by subject and grade level, has tons of videos and interactive lessons. You will be asked to register, but you can just select "Maybe Later" and you will go straight to the activities.
- Kidspace — This resource from the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County has tons of games, activities and resources. It's also a great source of homework help. This site is appropriate for grades K-6.
- Play Kids Games — This site has lots of different games in a lot of different areas, including math, vocabulary and the alphabet. It's a good site for students in kindergarten through third grade.
- Teenspace — Also operated by the Public Library, this site is geared for students in grades 7 and up. It is filled with great resources, like Kidspace.
Nutrition and Fitness
- 9 Round Fitness and Nutrition
- Health and Fitness Guide for Kids
- Health and Nutrition
- Health Science for Kids
Project Connect
For children who are experiencing homelessness, the risk of falling behind academically is significantly greater. Project Connect helps clear barriers to education for families who are homeless. From assisting with enrollment and promoting attendance to providing in-school and summer programs, Project Connect provides guidance and support to give a leg up for children and youth who are experiencing homelessness.
Learn more about Project Connect and the services it offers.
Putting our Technology Tools to Work
Schoology (pronounced "Skoo-luh-jee") — is an integrated learning-management solution that gives students, parents and teachers a new and easy way to connect and communicate.
Google Apps for Education — CPS has adopted Google Apps for Education as a key tool for student learning. Google Apps for Education is a web-based suite of programs provided by Google for schools to use. All Google Apps services can be accessed from anywhere with an Internet connection.
Our world is driven by technology. Digital devices and software add a dynamic element that keeps students interested and provides access to tools that prepare them for the future.