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At Cheviot, we believe in leadership, academic growth and achievement for all children — and it shows. We have received statewide recognition for accelerated growth for all students. The Ohio Board of Education awarded Cheviot with the Momentum Award for 2015 for earning straight A’s in value-added growth. Value-added growth means all of our students are showing at least a year’s worth of achievement in a year’s time.

How are we making a difference? Not only are our teachers and staff absolutely committed to our students, we also use the following strategies.


The Leader In Me
We can't expect our children to be leaders of tomorrow if we don’t empower them to be leaders of themselves today. That's why Cheviot is proud to be the first Leader in Me school in southwest Ohio.

Developed by Franklin Covey, the Leader in Me program is built on the idea that our students can and should be leaders of themselves. The program helps teachers develop leadership skills in our students. Our students discover their own strengths and their own voice, and they gain opportunities to shine.

Content from the book, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," is key to the Leader in Me program. The 7 Habits are universal principles of personal and interpersonal effectiveness, such as responsibility, vision and collaboration.

We integrate leadership development into our classes and focus on it during Advisory. Discussing which habits a historical figure or a character in a story use are just a few of the simple ways to incorporate the 7 Habits into what teachers are already doing. All students also belong to Leadership Clubs, which meet on the first Friday of every month. Students run these clubs, and their teachers are there to offer support.

The 7 Habits we focus on are:

  1. Be Proactive (You’re in Charge)
  2. Begin with the End in Mind (Have a Plan)
  3. Put First Things First (Work First, Then Play)
  4. Think Win-Win (Everyone can Win)
  5. Seek First to Understand, then be Understood (Listen Before you Talk)
  6. Synergize (Together is Better)
  7. Sharpen the Saw (Balance Feels Best)